Thursday, February 27, 2014

Beginning with one step

Well, here I am.

Why am I here?  Partly because I was peer pressured by a friend (I'm looking at you, Angie).  Partly because I've been meaning to share more of our lives with loved ones who live afar.  Partly because I need to be better at recording moments that are oh-so fleeting.  Partly because I need an outlet for my thoughts, experiences, projects, and feelings.  But, if I'm being honest, I'm here for me.

Our family celebrating S's 2nd birthday - December 2013

Becoming a mother just over two years ago took my life and flip-turned it upside down (lingo compliments of the Fresh Prince).  Pre-goobies (that is one of our many nick-names for our boys), I could do what I want when I wanted to do it.  Feel like a night on the town? No problem.  Looking to hanker down with a good book and enjoy some silence?  You got it!  Expect some privacy when *ahem* using the bathroom?  It's your right!  And then the boys arrived and all of the little things I took for granted suddenly became rare luxuries. 

I'm truly not complaining.  I love S and L more than anything in the world.  They make me laugh, they make me proud, they invoke a love in me that I didn't know was possible.  But, acknowledging the transformation my life has taken: the ups, the downs, the bumps, the bruises, the hugs and kisses, has been healthy for me and is helping me survive toddlerhood. 

I hope to share pictures, funny stories, the boys' development, my faith, some of my craft projects, thoughts on the world and musings about being a Mormon with liberal leanings.  Really, be prepared for anything to pop up on here, because you never know what's going to catch my attention next!

A more accurate depiction of our family celebrating S's 2nd birthday


  1. I will hop on your gypsy band wagon anytime!

  2. love it!! especially the 2nd pic :)

  3. I'm so excited and glad that I peer pressured you. This is going to be wonderful!

    You did great with your blog name, it's perfectly perfect.

  4. Ladies - thank you for the support! My sis, Samantha, was the one who came up with the blog name. Shane also came up with some names, but they weren't as family friendly. ;-)

  5. Love it and will visit often. Your gonna give me the push I need. Great start! <3

  6. I'm in - - - - can't wait to read everything that you post!!!
