Wednesday, June 18, 2014

This Happened.

A picture of my most recent parenting fail:

Hideous Lighting McQueen sandals that light up!

But how could I say "no" to this little boy?  He was so excited when he spotted them FROM ACROSS THE STORE (it's like he has Disney radar!).

S rockin' his new kicks.

Fine, you win this round, Disney.  Who am I kidding?  You're probably going to win the next 100 rounds.  I have a theory that if Disney wanted to, they could mobilize toddlers across the world in minutes, wreaking havoc and bringing down society as we know it.

Sign of the times?  Possibly.  Just one more reason to have food storage.


  1. That food storage is essential - cuz hungry toddlers are even scarier! Loving those sandals, Big Guy!

  2. It may be the first but won't be the last! It's not a parenting fail, it's a right of passage!!!
